by cathycollins | Apr 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
Vincenzo Cammarata, PhD student at King’s College London, reviews Augusto Carlos’ Vovô Tsongonhana Looking at the simple things in life, Vovô Tsongonhana (2005) describes the lives of an old man and a child, searching for happiness and harmony with the...
by cathycollins | Apr 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
As increasing numbers of epidemiologists and journalists highlight how the UK government consistently missed opportunities to tackle the spread of the new Coronavirus and the respiratory disease it causes (COVID-19), questions about the role of language and...
by cathycollins | Apr 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
Dr Anna Nyburg introduces her latest book and reveals how Jewish refugees brought design to the British clothing industry. Anyone looking for an entertaining read in these difficult times could do worse than The Clothes on our Backs; How Refugees from Nazism...
by cathycollins | Apr 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
In early January and February 2020 an on- and off-line publishing storm unfolded over the publication and promotion of American Dirt (2020). Prompted by a lively and scabrous post describing it as “a racist brownface novel”, much of the debate ranged around the fact...
by cathycollins | Apr 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Sarah Colvin introduces her new book on Germany from the inside It will be one of the hardest days in your life, and you’ll never, ever forget those prison gates closing behind you.[i] Berlin Tegel prison CC-BY-SA I get out of the bus and see grey walls, barbed wire,...